Goolwa Dharma Group
Goolwa Dharma Group is based at the Middleton Pioneer Hall, Walker Pl, Middleton.
We meet fortnightly on a Monday 10.00 to 12.00 noon.
Our meetings consist of a 40 minute meditation, a sharing and discussion of the meditation and often a reading and discussion of a text. We occasionally have a shared lunch or a workshop on a specific topic.
Our group is open to anyone who is interested in the Buddha, dharma and meditation.
Read more about Goolwa Dharma Group.
Subscribe to the Goolwa Dharma Group.
We meet fortnightly on a Monday 10.00 to 12.00 noon.
Our meetings consist of a 40 minute meditation, a sharing and discussion of the meditation and often a reading and discussion of a text. We occasionally have a shared lunch or a workshop on a specific topic.
Our group is open to anyone who is interested in the Buddha, dharma and meditation.
Read more about Goolwa Dharma Group.
Subscribe to the Goolwa Dharma Group.
Port Elliot Dharma Group
Meeting weekly on Wednesday evenings at the Port Elliot RSL Hall
(RSL Port Elliot Sub Branch, 10 The Strand, Port Elliot)
7.00pm - 8.30pm
7.00pm - 7.05 Introduction, schedule reminder (05 mins)
7.05 - 7.45 Meditation (40 mins)
7.45 - 8.00 Journalling, stretch/break (15 mins)
8.00 - 8.30 Reflection, interview/conversation (30 mins)
Each month follows the same schedule: teacher or 'guide' attend alternating fortnight, and the group also meets the in-between fortnight to share their practise together.
Week one - the group meets without a teacher/guide - during the reflection/conversation those who wish to can share part of their meditation without conversation, it's an opportunity to practise listening and our own silent reflection on what we hear from others.
Week two - teacher Anna Markey attends and leads the group
Week three - as per week one.
Week four - Denise Martin attends and leads the group
For more information please feel free to contact Tanya: [email protected]
(RSL Port Elliot Sub Branch, 10 The Strand, Port Elliot)
7.00pm - 8.30pm
7.00pm - 7.05 Introduction, schedule reminder (05 mins)
7.05 - 7.45 Meditation (40 mins)
7.45 - 8.00 Journalling, stretch/break (15 mins)
8.00 - 8.30 Reflection, interview/conversation (30 mins)
Each month follows the same schedule: teacher or 'guide' attend alternating fortnight, and the group also meets the in-between fortnight to share their practise together.
Week one - the group meets without a teacher/guide - during the reflection/conversation those who wish to can share part of their meditation without conversation, it's an opportunity to practise listening and our own silent reflection on what we hear from others.
Week two - teacher Anna Markey attends and leads the group
Week three - as per week one.
Week four - Denise Martin attends and leads the group
For more information please feel free to contact Tanya: [email protected]
Daily Morning Meditation
We are in difficult times, confronted with uncertainty, challenges, losses and much more. A daily meditation practice can help us in these times. It can be a grounding and friendly start to the day. We offer this silent, daily meditation practice free of charge via ZOOM. The session commences at 8.00am ADELAIDE time and finishes at 8.45 am. Sundays offer a 30-minute longer period for group sharing. If you wish to join these sessions, please book in with Liz at she will send the link and the guidelines.You may share this invitation with others, yet still please ask them to book in with Liz.
Morning meditation meeting guide
Each day there will be a different facilitator, at times they may need to swap and change. Most facilitators offer the sessions in the Reflective Meditation (RM) style.
Morning meditation meeting guide
Each day there will be a different facilitator, at times they may need to swap and change. Most facilitators offer the sessions in the Reflective Meditation (RM) style.
- Monday – Liz H or Sue G
- Tuesday – Marc
- Wednesday –mini prompt. Jenny (RM teacher)/Liz H/Liz K
- Thursday – Anna (RM teacher)
- Friday – Robyn
- Saturday – Bobbi
- Sunday – Jenny /Tina /Nique (Extra 30 mins optional for discussion with these RM teachers)
Dharma Support Groups in the
Reflective Meditation (RM) approach
Community, sangha is one of the most valuable aspects of RM. The co-creation of spaces / spaces/groups that feel safe enough to practice together and generously witness each other’s meditation experiences.
Anna and Tina support people within our sangha to find and join these ongoing groups. Often new groups arise post retreats. There are currently 5 small intimate groups meeting on a fortnightly or monthly basis. Some choose to meet online and others in person.
Please feel free to contact Anna or Tina if you wish to either establish a new RM group or wish to explore joining one.
Anna and Tina support people within our sangha to find and join these ongoing groups. Often new groups arise post retreats. There are currently 5 small intimate groups meeting on a fortnightly or monthly basis. Some choose to meet online and others in person.
Please feel free to contact Anna or Tina if you wish to either establish a new RM group or wish to explore joining one.
Each day there will be a different facilitator, at times they may need swap and change. Most facilitators offer the sessions in the Reflective Meditation (RM) style.
- Monday – Liz H or Sue G
- Tuesday – Marc
- Wednesday –mini prompt. Jenny (RM teacher)/Liz H/Liz K
- Thursday – Anna (RM teacher)
- Friday – Robyn
- Saturday – Bobbi
- Sunday – Jenny /Tina /Nique (Extra 30 mins optional for discussion with these RM teachers)